Club Bylaws

Club Bylaws

St. Albert SLAM Basketball Club
Conduct of Meetings


The minutes of Board Committee meetings shall include a record of those members present, motions considered and their disposition, reports received either explicitly or as attachments and shall be distributed to members as soon as possible and at the latest prior to the onset of the next regular meeting.


Each member shall have the privilege of proposing motions for consideration by the Executive Committee.

Any motion proposed will be required to have be seconded.

The Chairman shall rule on the validity of any question in terms of order. If a motion is ruled
"out-of-order" by the Chairman it shall be so recorded in the minutes along with the reasons stated for the ruling.

On any questions, members shall observe parliamentary courtesy. The proposer of any motion shall have the right to open and close debate; however, closure shall not take place until every member choosing to speak has had an opportunity to do so.

A majority vote will pass all motions being considered.


Each member shall have the right to propose amendments to a question under consideration, providing the amendment enhances the intent of the original motion, and does not attempt to contradict its application.

An amendment, if accepted by the original motion, becomes part of the motion, and is not recorded separately in the minutes.

When the person who proposed the original motion does not accept an amendment, all debates shall be confined to the merits of the amendment, unless it is of such nature that its determination practically decides the main question.

Legal Council

St Albert Slam Youth Basketball will not entertain lawyers present at Executive meetings, with the exception of a lawyer representing St Albert Slam Youth Basketball.

Conflict of Interest

Any member of the Executive shall not participate in any decisions wherever there is a conflict of interest.

Board Committee Standards of Conduct

These standards of conduct shall apply to all officers of SLAM, whether elected or appointed, and shall specifically apply to Members of Executive Committee, and Board Committee.
This statement does not attempt to define all items of acceptable conduct. These items are minimum standards of behavior which officers are expected to observe.

Violation of the standards by an officer may lead to a review by the Executive Committee and/or the Discipline Committee for subsequent exoneration, reprimand or expulsion.

Rules & Guidelines

1.0 In relation to SLAM

Officers shall adhere to SLAM policy and seek to change such policy through the proper channels of SLAM.

Officers shall maintain the integrity of SLAM at all times, and do not initiate or participate in any activity that will place SLAM in ill repute.

Officers shall honor commitments made on behalf of SLAM.

Officers shall not divulge to members of the general public any item raised at Board Committee while in Committee of the Whole.

Officers shall resign from their position immediately if they become unable to fulfill the duties or obligations of the position.

1.2 In relation to the membership

Officers shall fulfill the duties and obligations of their position to the best of their ability, always serving the best interests of all players registered with SLAM.
Officers shall treat members with dignity and respect and are considerate of their circumstances.

Officers shall not use their position for personal profit, or for the profit of immediate family members.

Officers shall not use their position to influence the placement of any players.

Officers shall not use their position to influence the selection of any coach or team official.

1.3 Basketball Operations Committee

The Basketball Operations Committee will ensure that the basketball programs at all levels operate as set out in the Bylaws, Policies, Rules and Guidelines. The objective of the Basketball Operations Committee is to ensure the orderly operation of all the basketball programs, in the best interests of the association members.

The committee’s mandate will be to set the operational parameters for each program. This will include among other items, gym distribution, coaching selection, and player placement on teams. The Basketball Operations Committee’s mandate will provide for the development of players, and coaches at all levels.

This committee reports to the Executive Committee and consists of the following positions:

Vice President
A/B Program Coordinator
U9 Basketball Programs Coordinator
EYBA Mini Coordinator
EYBA Bantam/Midget Coordinator
EYBA Juvenile Coordinator
Gym Coordinator

The Basketball Operations Committee will meet prior to the start of the basketball season, or at the call of the President.

1.4 Disciplinary Action

The Basketball Operations Committee shall meet to determine any disciplinary sanctions required for any player or coach ejected from a game, or involved in a game in which an incident report is required.
The goal of the Committee shall be to make a decision within a practicable time frame.
The decision of the Committee is considered final.
It is the responsibility of the coach and/or manager of any team that is involved in an ejection or incident, to file a written report to the President within 24 hours.

1.5 Coaching Selection

The Basketball Operations Committee shall meet prior to the start of the season in September to determine the qualified coaches list for each division.
The Committee will identify the coaches before the start of the season of play as defined in Section 3.0.
A Head Coach or an Assistant Coach may not be allowed to assume the position if:
i. they are not a member in good standing.
ii. they do not have or are not able to get a valid CRC.
iii. they have deliberately broken a St Albert Slam policy in the past.
vi. they have numerous written and confirmed parent/player complaints.

1.6 Gym Distribution

The Basketball Operations Committee will determine gym distribution per Section 9.0.

2.0 Basketball Programs

SLAM operates two distinct programs:
• Age 5-9 Initiation / Junior Basketball
• Age 9-17 Community Basketball

SLAM has developed a basketball development model that covers these two programming areas. The model is being used to grow and enhance the game of basketball in the community.
The first step in SLAM’s basketball development model consists of an initiation basketball program for new players that emphasize fundamental basketball skill development. After one year of play, the players are ready for the Junior SLAM basketball program which again focuses on skill development and introduces team play and full court games.

Competition is introduced to players through the Edmonton Youth Basketball Association. Teams are entered in the community basketball league with the emphasis being fair play and basketball skill development. SLAM’s EYBA teams are created on the basis of age groups and tiered according their teams ability to compete.

The following categories are established as the age groups within the Edmonton Youth Basketball Association (EYBA) program, that overseas all community basketball in the area:
• Mini (U11): under 11 as of December 31 of the EYBA season
• Bantam (U13): under 13 as of December 31 of the EYBA season
• Midget (U15): under 15 as of December 31 of the EYBA season
• Juvenile: 18 or under as of December 31 the EYBA season (high school students)

2.1 Selection of Players

The membership of SLAM is defined within its Policies which are registered under the Societies Act. The membership is defined as any player who registers to play basketball in St. Albert and pays the appropriate registration fee. Every player that registers is placed on a team. This is dependent on available coaches and gym space.

Initiation and Junior SLAM groups are generally limited to 34 players per time slot to maximize playing time for the players. The Games are played 3-on-3 cross court.

Mini, Bantam and Midget team rosters are typically sized at 10 - 12 players and capped at 13 players. Waiting lists of overflow players are formed at the time of registration. Every effort is made to form teams of 9-12 players. Teams of less than 8 players will not be accommodated. SLAM does not normally form teams of less than 8 players since the possibility of injury, sickness or other commitments will can cause game defaults during the season. It is also cost prohibitive to enter teams of less than 8 players.

Players wanting to move up an age group (applies only to Mini, Bantam and Midget) require SLAM approval. SLAM will only endorse upward movement if the player is ready to compete and excel at the next level.

Mini age players having at least two seasons of Mini experience or Jr. SLAM/Mini experience can apply to move up to Bantam. Permission will be granted subject to a review of their evaluated skills and the availability of roster space. This will be at the discretion of the Committee.

Those seeking to move up from Bantam to Midget will also be subject to a review of their evaluated skills. Bantam to Midget moves require the approval of the SLAM Operations Committee and are dependent on available roster space.

2.2 Registration

Registration is conducted between May and September annually. Registration is conducted on-line or by email. Ads will be placed in the St. Albert Gazette to announce the dates.
The following information is required by the player to register
• The necessary payment of fees.
• The ability to provide their birth certificate on request

Only those players who properly register with the program will be eligible to play. Proper registration means completion of a registration form, payment of the fees, and filing of all documents with the Registrar for SLAM. Players who register late may be assessed a late registration fee.

All players must be registered with SLAM before participating in any basketball activity.

Players who are not registered are unable to practice or play on any team with SLAM. Clearance must be given by the President or vice president and Registrar so that the player can play. The reason the Club takes this position is because of possible injury that could occur, and if the player is not registered in our program, there is no insurance to cover an injury. Coaches have the responsibility to ensure that their players are registered.
St Albert SLAM has signed a letter of understanding (Attachment 1) with the two other associations in Zone 1 (Morinville and Parkland). The details contained in this letter will be the guideline for how St Albert SLAM deals with players registering with the association.

2.3 Fees

The Members of SLAM set the annual fees for all categories and players in the program at the Annual General Meeting.

These fees will be adjusted each year depending upon the budget determined and expenditures needed to continue with the operation of the program. The fee schedule for each season will be amended to this policy as Schedule A.

In general, payment of the full registration fee is expected at the time of registration. The Registrar may, at their discretion, accept a registration without full payment of fees where extenuating circumstances prevail and a payment plan is defined.

The prime responsibility for counseling family units experiencing hardship as to the availability of special funding from sponsoring organizations or agencies resides with the Registrar, with the assistance of the President.
Payment plans may be set up as follows:
• Shall consist of not more than three (3) payments.
• Shall be supported by post-dated cheques at the time of registration.
• Shall be immediately suspended if a payment is annulled.
• Must be approved by Registrar.

If there is no team due to registration number a full refund will be given.

The NSF fee for a returned cheque is $25.00

Refund of Fees: Refunds for players withdrawing from the program will be paid, upon written application to the Registrar or President, less a $20.00 service charge fee, according to the following schedule:
• Before Aug 31st $20, After Aug 31st and before Sept 30 refund will be 2/3 of registration
No portion of the late registration fee will be refunded.
Players suspended or expelled for disciplinary reasons shall be ineligible for a refund of fees.
Registrar and Treasurer in joint are charged with the responsibility of using reasonable discretion with respect to portioned months.
For players withdrawing as a result of personal injury, the $20.00 service fee will not be charged.
Refunds will be calculated based on Fees less 15% of regular registration fee for each month or portion thereof
No refunds will be allowed after December 31.
Providing there is enough space, the President and Registrar may allow players to join the program in mid-season in consultation with the teams’ coach. Registration fees for these late registrations will be determined by proportioning the amount of season remaining to be played, and including applicable late registration fees.
Late Registration Fee: Additional $ 20.00
The purpose of the late registration fee is to encourage parents/players to officially register prior to the start of the new season in September. Registration in June-August allows the Basketball Operations Committee to begin plans for the new season well before the September startup. Without proper planning, the programs will not be well organized or successful.

SLAM offers a volunteer credit to any parent who volunteers to be a head coach, assistant coach, signs up to work a SLAM casino, volunteers on the executive or works at an EYBA casino. The credit will be available to a parent for the next year that their child plays basketball, after they have completed their assigned commitment. (See Schedule B)

2.4 Import Players

Import players from communities with EYBA programs will not normally be permitted to become members of SLAM.
Imports will not be allowed to play on teams in place of players who live in the St. Albert. If the program can accommodate their request to play in the program, then approval will be granted. The program will consider import players from outside the St. Albert and area, only if import players are required to fill a team of 9-10 players, or if the players have been involved in the SLAM program for previous years. Import players must be approved by the President. Import players must abide by the applicable rules of the EYBA.

Imports may be allowed to play in our zone provided they pay the required fee, and have the appropriate release form from their zone, and register with SLAM.

NOTE: All import players must have a signed release form from their Zone prior to being allowed to register on any team in the EYBA. The signed release form should be attached to the registration form, when registering.
Players from areas outside Edmonton that do not have access to club level teams will not be considered import players.

Every effort will be made to allow players the opportunity to play at the highest level possible, and cooperation with the Edmonton zones will be encouraged.

2.5 Player Placement - EYBA Program Teams

Every player who registers in the program will be placed on a team to play.
The process for forming teams will be:

Mini Boys and Girls

The coaches and Mini Division Coordinator will decide the makeup of the teams. If possible, players of the same age/skill level/experience will be placed together on the same team.

Bantam and Midget Boys and Girls

Should the Committee feel we have the players with the ability and capability to compete at the A level then a selection process will determine the A team for each age group and gender.

A team selection criteria will be clear and visible prior to the try-outs.

A team roster selections will be made by the President and /or Vice President, and A/ B Division Coordinator with input from the A & B team coaches past and present.

All players will be treated fairly and given the same opportunity whether new to SLAM or a returning member.

Since all players are being evaluated to the same standards based on skills, experience, etc., age will not be a determining factor for roster selections.

Players wishing to play with friend or sibling not on the A team will be required to move down a level prior to the A try-outs.
Once a player is selected for the A team in September and chooses to opt out the next player identified in the selection process will be placed on the A Team.

Players not participating in the A team selection process will be placed in the relevant non A team.

Following the ID camp in September, the A / B Division Coordinator, coaches, Vice President and the President will assign players unsuccessful in making the A team to the remaining rosters making adjustments where necessary

Juvenile Boys and Girls

The coaches will decide the makeup of the teams in September once registration is closed. This is a collaborative process in which all parties have an equal say. The desire of players from area high schools to play together will be part of the selection criteria.

Any changes to the process for forming teams will be agreed upon by the members of SLAM at the Annual General Meeting. Juvenile Teams will only be formed if a minimum of 8 players come together as a group with a coach to play.

2.6 Evaluation and team placement issues concerns and grievances

All evaluation issues, concerns and grievances must be put in writing, signed and delivered to St Albert Slam indicating: The complaint must contain a description of the event, its location, the division involved etc. and a contact name and phone number. The President may contact this person and the A/B Coordinator for clarification of the event in question to obtain further information.

Once the investigation has concluded, a written response will be sent to the Complainant explaining the process taken and the outcome reached. Should the Complainant feel that the issue is still not resolved; the issue will be forwarded on to the Vice President, for future action.

St Albert Slam recognizes the need for privacy and discretion in the gathering of all information, and will use the utmost discretion in investigating the complaint. The name of the complainant will be held in confidence whenever possible.

3.0 Coaches

Coaching candidates for the A teams will be by invitation of the A/B Coordinator. Selection of the coaches will be done by the SLAM Operations Committee with input from the applicable Division Coordinator. When a coordinator applies to be a coach, their application will be reviewed by another coordinator.

The assignment of coaches should occur once the team rosters have been set. The recruitment of coaching candidates should commence in the spring and conclude following the registration deadline.

External coaching resources need to be integrated to either coach top tier teams or fill other coaching vacancies following the setting of rosters. Coaches wishing to focus on development would be placed in the younger age groups while those coaches focused on systems and game play would be assigned to the older age groups. External coaches will not be permitted to coach without two references, criminal record and vulnerable person checks prior to application.

All coaches will be requested to follow the age appropriate program as developed by SLAM for the training of the young athletes. The goal of SLAM is to have a complete program that the coaches can follow that will be consistent with the highest possible age specific achievement goals.

In some instances it is difficult to find coaches with experience in the game of basketball. SLAM is committed to providing the best coaching available in basketball, encouraging coaches to take the National Certification Program, and providing the necessary support for coaches throughout the basketball season. SLAM is willing to sponsor any coach with the financial support necessary to take the Community Sport or Competition NCCP Basketball Technical courses. Coaches may submit the receipts to the treasurer for reimbursement.

In most cases parent coaches are used to coach the teams in the basketball programs. If qualified parent coaches do not volunteer for a particular team, an experienced non-parent volunteer head coach may be appointed by the Basketball Operations Committee.

In order to compensate non-parent volunteer head coaches for their time and out-of-pocket expenses, an honorarium may be paid. The value of the honorarium and timing of the payment(s) will be set out by the Executive Committee prior to the start of the season and per the approved budget.

SLAM coaches are required to do the following:
• Be a resource person able to assist the athlete to develop his/her athletic potential and self-dependency.
• Recognize individual differences in athletes and always think of the athlete’s long-term best interest.
• Aim for excellence based upon realistic goals and the athletes’ growth and development.
• Lead by example by teaching and practice co-operation, self-discipline, respect for officials and opponents and proper attitudes in language, dress and deportment.
• Make sport challenging and fun. Skill need not be learned painfully.
• Be honest and consistent with athlete. They appreciate knowing where they stand.
• Be prepared to interact with league officials and parents. They too have important roles to play in the sport.
• Coaching involves training by responsible people who are flexible and willing to continually learn and develop.
• Remember that children play for the fun and enjoyment and that winning is only part of it.
• Never ridicule or yell at the players for making mistakes or losing a competition. Develop team respect for the ability of opponents, as well as for the judgment of officials and opposing coaches.
Any complaints about coaching must be received in writing by the Division Coordinator. The Division Coordinator will work with the Operations Committee to resolve any issues or complaints.
Any disciplinary issues or incidents will be documented in writing and evaluated by the Division Coordinator and Operations Committee. Any decision rendered by the Operations Committee is final and cannot be appealed.
Any coach that is ejected from a game will be considered for disciplinary action by the Basketball Operations Committee. The Basketball Operations Committee will be informed in writing, within 2 days, of any ejection by a team representative with the events clearly documented. The intent for this schedule is that this will enable the Basketball Operations Committee to make a disciplinary ruling before the next scheduled game.

Any new coach to SLAM must complete a Criminal Records check dated after Sept 1 of the new season year and must be completed prior to Dec 30th. Failure to do so will result in their services being removed. Until check is completed they are not permitted to be in a gym without a parent being present.

SLAM has the right to ask any coach to step down without appeal if they feel there has been any action that could cause conflict within EYBA or if they feel the Coach has conducted themselves in a manner not acceptable to the club.

4.0 Players

Players shall play by the rules incorporated by the Edmonton Youth Basketball Association, and the game of basketball. They should be a good sport, cheer for all good plays, whether winning or losing.

Players should play for the "fun of it" as much as possible and work towards improving their skill level at the game of basketball. They must control their temper during practices and games and under no circumstances show disrespect towards officials, the opposition, or coaches.

Players must commit towards playing basketball for the team. This means they must be prepared to attend all practices on time, work hard to improve, cheer their teammates on during games when they are not playing, listen to their coaches instruction, and most of all give a full effort when called upon to play. Players who miss practices should not expect to receive the same playing time of others who do attend. Your playing time is determined by the effort you give towards the teams overall goals and objectives determined by the Coach.

Any disciplinary issues or incidents will be documented in writing and evaluated by the Division Coordinator and Basketball Operations Committee. Any decision by the Basketball Operations Committee is considered final.

Any player that is ejected from any game will be considered for disciplinary action by the EYBA. SLAM will abide by the EYBA rules and actions as set forth by the EYBA. If deemed necessary, SLAM may consider additional disciplinary action outside of the EYBA.

5.0 Parents

Parents and spectators must remember that our players play organized sports to have fun first of all, secondly because of competition. Parents will receive much more satisfaction watching their child play a good game by encouraging them to improve each time out.
Parents should be on their best behavior and not use profane language or harass other players, coaches or officials of the game. Parents are not the reason the game is being held, nor are they the reason others should attend the game. Being a loud mouth at the game takes away the fun for everyone.

Parents should applaud good play by their own team and the visiting team. Show respect for your teams opponents. Without opponents there would be no games. Never ridicule or scold your child for making a mistake during a competition.

Parents should condemn the use of violence in all forms. Encourage your child to play by the rules and be a good team player.

When it is determined that a parent at a game or practice is a detriment, they may be asked to leave the school gym. Failure to leave could lead to the forfeiture of a game, suspension of a player, or the eventual removal of a player from the program. We would hope parents take full responsibility for their actions and understand the consequences for their lack of judgment at times.

6.0 Playing Time

Coaches in the SLAM program will make reasonable efforts to provide their athletes with equitable playing time and must comply with the EYBA rules for participation. Except for disciplinary reasons, injury or foul situations, all athletes should be provided with about equal playing time. The focus of the SLAM program is on the development of all basketball players over the winning of games. Violations of the playing time rules will be subject to discipline per the EYBA Coaches Handbook.

7.0 Practices

Coaches should ensure that they arrive at the practice fifteen (15) minutes before practice to welcome the players and answer any questions from parents. Players and coaches are to wait outside the gym until the team practicing ahead of them is finished and is exiting the gym. Please do not disturb the practice by bouncing balls or playing basketball on the side of the court while waiting for the first team to finish up.

Upon completion of the practice the coach should ensure the gym is left clean and all equipment is gathered. If any damage is done, please report it to the custodian that night before you leave.
Make sure players remove their shoes at the door entrance to the school. In winter snow cannot be tracked into the gym or through the school.

Never leave a player alone in the school or outside the school to wait for their parents. Coaches are the last to leave the school. Should a parent be frequently late, please speak to them and advise them of the time again and to be there on time. Parents who continue to create this problem may find their son or daughter being taken out of the program by the Executive.

8.0 Gym Availability & Scheduling

Gym availability is through the City of St. Albert. Each team has a booked schedule, provided by SLAM’s gym coordinator, and the coach should always have a copy of the schedule.
The following will be the practice/game standards that SLAM will attempt to achieve with their basketball programming:
• Initiation Basketball- One hour a week on Saturdays
• Junior SLAM- One 1.15 hour sessions every week
• Mini, Bantam and Midget Teams- One 1.5 hour practice sessions every week as a minimum, plus one game per week - EXTRA TIME IS A BONUS
• Juvenile Teams - One 1.5 hour practice sessions every week, plus game schedules.
• Minis and Bantams will be given the early times and Midgets and Juveniles the later time slots. Coaches should obtain a copy of the confirmation for gym use from the Gym Coordinator.

The gym coordinator will allocate the gym slots to the teams and coaches based on the requests of the coaches.

9.0 General issues, concerns and grievances

A 24-hour waiting period rule is required subsequent to any incident.

After the 24-hour waiting period, the player and/or parent discusses the incident with the Head Coach and/or Manager of the Team. If the issue is resolved, then the review is complete.

If the issue is not resolved, then the issue is put into writing with the “Incident Reporting Form” and submitted to the Division Director within 48 hours of the incident. The Division Director will review the complaint and attempt a resolution of the issue. If the issue is resolved, then the review is complete.

If the issue is not resolved, then the information is submitted within 72 hours of the incident. The submission will be forwarded to the Vice President. The Vice President will investigate the complaint and provide a decision in writing to the following parties within ten (10) days of the date the submission was made The Vice President has the ability to screen the complaint and disregard the complaint if the complaint is determined to be trivial or vexatious.

If the issue is resolved, then the review is complete.

If the issue is not resolved, then any party may appeal the decision a Discipline Committee. An appeal fee of $200, payable to St Albert Slam Youth Basketball must be submitted with the “Notice of Appeal to the Discipline Committee” form and any additional information within seven (7) days of the written decision of the Vice President. The submission will be forwarded to the Chair of the Discipline Committee.

The Discipline Committee is comprised of three (3) members of the St Albert Slam Executive but will not include the A/B Coordinator or the Vice President. All members of the Discipline Committee will have no personal relationship or common interest with the affected parties; and are free of any actual or perceived bias or conflict surrounding the appeal. The Discipline Committee has the ability to call a hearing to review the appeal. All affected parties (noted in d) above) are required to be advised of the hearing and have the ability to attend the hearing.

The Discipline Committee will investigate the complaint and provide a decision in writing to the previously established affected parties (noted in d) above) within ten (10) days of the date the office received the Notice of Appeal to the Discipline Committee form.

After this step the review is complete, and the decision is final

10.0 Executive Director

The Executive Committee, on the advice of the President, may hire an Executive Director each season. The Executive Committee shall set the salary of the Executive Director. The need for an Executive Director will be determined by the nature of the vacancies within the Executive, Board or Operations Committees.

The Executive Director may perform the following tasks/roles:
Registration gym coordination and facility booking equipment coordination
attending EYBA meetings on behalf of the Executive coordination of casino volunteer schedules
handling information inquiries schedule meetings club advertising logistics
The President may recommend the termination of the Executive Director. The Executive Committee shall then decide by a simple majority vote.

11.0 Equipment

All teams will be provided with the necessary equipment to run a basketball team. Every team shall have the following:
a game basketball for each team;
a standard first aid kit;
a coaching book;
score sheets for game situations.
a managers book including receipt book for ref fee;
a uniform for each player that consists of a jersey;

All equipment should be maintained during the year to ensure it can be properly used and worn.
All equipment needing repairs should be brought to the attention of the Equipment Coordinator


Every player will receive a uniform from SLAM. This uniform must be worn during league play and maintained in the same condition it was received. Damages to the uniform will be charged back against the player.

Uniforms are not to be washed in bleach or stored in a wet condition. Coaches should watch for damages done to equipment and notify the Equipment Coordinator. Please speak to the parents about the care of the uniforms.

At the end of the year all uniforms are to be gathered by the coach and returned to the Equipment Coordinator. Coaches should maintain records on which uniform was assigned to whom.

First Aid

All teams must have first aid equipment. Coaches are to check their first aid box and ensure enough supplies are in place to handle the minor injury. All players are covered by insurance. If any questions are raised over the coverage they should contact the President.

If a player is injured during a practice or a game and needs emergency care, please contact the custodian for help. They will arrange for an ambulance for the player. Ensure someone stays with the player. Remember each coach at the beginning of the year is given a copy of the registration form for each player which includes the players Alberta Health Care number. All injuries that require a player to go for medical aid should be reported to the Executive so a record can be maintained. A report should be filed with the Executive that provides the following:
• Name of player injured.
• Date of injury.
• Type of injury.
• Place of injury (gym).
• Was emergency attention required?
• How the injury occurred.(practice/game)
• Any witness to the injury?
• When did the player return to the team / play?

If coaches require any first aid supplies, please contact the Equipment Coordinator.

12.0 Harassment, Abuse and Bullying

Harassment and bullying in all its forms will not be tolerated during the course of any St Albert Slam Youth Basketball activity or program. Accordingly, all St Albert Slam personnel (staff, volunteers, team or officials) and partners (parents, guardians) are responsible for making every reasonable effort to uphold this commitment. Specifically, this includes refraining from harassing or bullying behavior, responding promptly and informally to minor incidents of harassment or bullying and following local or national policy guidelines for reporting or responding to more serious cases.

(A) Definition of Abuse

Child abuse is any form of physical, emotional and/or sexual mistreatment or lack of care which causes physical injury or emotional damage to a child. A common characteristic of all forms of abuse against children and youth is an abuse of power or authority and/or breach of trust.

(B) Definition of Harassment

Harassment is defined as conduct, gestures or comments which are insulting, intimidating, humiliating, hurtful, malicious, degrading or otherwise offensive to an individual or group of individuals, and which create a hostile or intimidating environment for work or sports activities, or which negatively affect performance or work conditions. Any of the different forms of harassment must be based on the grounds prohibited in human rights legislation, such as race, ethnicity, colour, religion, age, sex, marital status, family status, disability, pardoned conviction and sexual orientation.

Harassment may occur among anyone between peers (e.g.: player to player of the same age group, parent to official, coach to coach) or between someone in a position of power or authority and an adult in a subordinate position (e.g.: coach to player, sports administrator to employee).

(C) Definition of Bullying

Bullying involves a person expressing their power through the humiliation of another person. Bullying occurs between people at any age and is not addressed under human rights legislation. It is inappropriate behaviours that are typically cruel, demeaning and hostile toward the bullying targets (most commonly occurs between children under the age of twelve but may also constitute behaviours between youth or between adults. Bullying is similar to harassment but the behaviours are not addressed under human rights laws. Bullies are typically cruel, demeaning and hostile towards the targets of their bullying).

The actual issue of bullying is not addressed by the law, except when the behaviour does become a criminal issue - e.g. extortion, physical assault etc... Bullying can be broken down into four types:
• Physical (hit or kick victims; take/damage personal property)
• Verbal (name calling; insults; constant teasing)
• Relational (try to cut off victims from social connection by convincing peers to exclude or reject a certain person)
• Cyber bullying

(D) Responses and Remedies

Harassment and bullying cannot and should not be tolerated in any environment, including basketball. Both harassment and bullying are unacceptable and harmful.

13.0 Indemnity of Executive Committee, Members, Directors and Officers

No Member of St Albert Slam Youth Basketball is, in his/her individual capacity, liable for a debt or liability of St Albert Slam Youth Basketball. St Albert Slam Youth Basketball shall indemnify an Executive Committee Member, Director or Officer, his heirs, legal representatives and assigns from and against any and all claims, costs, charges, expenses and losses including payment of legal fees on a solicitor and client basis necessary to settle or defend an action or satisfy a Judgement reasonably incurred by such person as a result of them having been an Executive Committee Member, Director or Officer in those cases where they were acting in their course and scope of duty and acted honestly and in good faith with the view to the best interests of St Albert Slam Youth Basketball . St Albert Slam Youth Basketball shall indemnify a Discipline Committee Member, his heirs, legal representatives and assigns from and against any and all claims, costs, charges, expenses and losses including payment of legal fees on a solicitor and client basis necessary to settle or defend an action or satisfy a Judgement reasonably incurred by such person as a result of them having been a Discipline Committee member in those cases where they were acting in their course and scope of duty and acted honestly and in good faith with the view to the best interests of St Albert Slam Youth Basketball .



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RAMP Official Assigning

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RAMP Websites

Manage your identity from the palm of your hand to the top of your desk.

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RAMP Team App

Keep your coaches, parents, athletes, and fans connected, seamlessly.

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